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2 min read
Cooling Towers
Cooling towers are common in the world today, largely because HVAC technology has become increasingly important to so many industries.

2 min read
Air Balancing
Air balance is an important but often overlooked part of ensuring your building is optimized for both efficiency and personal comfort.

1 min read
Sustainable Air Conditioning
Pacific West Industries has the expertise to design and install sustainable, high-performance building solutions with a focus on reduced...

2 min read
HVAC Automation
Building automation offers several benefits, here are 10 reasons to use an automated system over less-sophisticated options.

2 min read
Communication Protocols
Learn about communication protocols and three most popular used in today's building automation industry.

1 min read
Data Center Cooling
Proper management of the data center environment is critical to the success of the business that hosts it. Assessing a micro-climate enviro

2 min read
Air Flow: Server Rooms
For companies with large data centers, getting the maximum efficiency from the computer systems that manage and store the data is critical.

1 min read
Smart Thermostats
Smart Thermostat air conditioning systems maximize building efficiency, reduce energy consumption, and provide significant cost savings.

2 min read
Smart Buildings
A truly smart building uses software analytics in conjunction with automated systems. This makes the building more energy efficient and ...

1 min read
HVAC Controls
We build systems that reduce energy consumption, improve occupant comfort, and reduce overall operating expenses to facilities.

2 min read
Archive Preservation
It is critical to the conservation of historic and artistic works to understand how environmental conditions can effect the speed at which d

2 min read
Dew Point
When most people think about modifying and controlling indoor environmental conditions they typically consider temperature and humidity as t

1 min read
Saving Energy Costs
Building automation control systems offer a variety of fundamental energy saving resources. The strategies built into these systems...

2 min read
10 Tips to Save Energy
When you save energy, you save money. Follow these simple tips to reduce the amount of energy that your home or business uses.

2 min read
Free Cooling: Air Economizers
Even in cool climates, buildings often need air conditioning systems that can reduce internal temperatures. That's because...

2 min read
Water-Side Economizers
A water-side economizer is a high-efficiency option for buildings that generate cooling through the use of water or air chillers.

2 min read
Geothermal Technology
As most people who have visited an underground cave understand, the temperature under the ground remains a fairly constant 45 to 75 degrees

2 min read
Coil Cleaning
Cleaning Air Conditioning Coils Saves Energy,
Reduces Costs and Increases Occupant Comfort. Coils are designed by engineers to correspond to

1 min read
Variable Capacity Equipment
The new technology of inverter driven AC compressors will be something that all major HVAC manufacturers will develop in the near future.

2 min read
Water Treatment for Commercial Buildings
The majority of large commercial buildings and industrial facilities are using water cooling and heating mechanical equipment.
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